TIGER equipment is legendary for our ruggedness and durability, high productivity and efficiency, and low maintenance/production costs. These are just some of the factors that have have made our equipment recognized as the premier machinery around the world.
TIGER serves our customers around the globe from their manufacturing and design facilities in Takahashi & Okayama in Japan; our China & Japan headquarters in Takahashi, Japan and Tianjin (In the People’s Republic of China); and our smaller equipment manufacturing sites across the Americas, Asia, and Europe. Our International Sales and Marketing Division, serves the world from Portage & Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA. High quality wear and spare parts and components are delivered around the world in record time from its warehouses in various continents.
TIGER not only supplies high quality, durable and efficient machinery, plus components and parts to our customers; we also provide technical installation and start-up support, training for your plant personnel, as well as maintenance and safety.
TIGER’s customers supply quality building materials made by our machinery to build better hospitals, commercial, government and industrial facilities, educational facilities, and most importantly; better and disaster resistant affordable housing around the world. It all starts with TIGER machinery.
In 1950, Mr. Yutaka Kitahara founded the TIGER Company in Nariwa-cho, Okayama that sold, repaired and serviced farm machinery. The lessons we learned in those early years convinced us that the key to success in our industry was supplying reliable machinery, with first-class service to our customers.
In 1963, Mr. Kitahara decided to expand the business with the opening of a new machine shop. By that time he had been asked by a concrete block manufacturer to design a better concrete block making machine to replace their current, unreliable equipment. From the desire to fill a valued customer’s request came our first concrete mixer and the first hydraulic block machine in all of Japan.
By 1971, we had outgrown our modest beginnings and had relocated to a new production facility in Takahashi-Shi, in the Okayama area. During this period of expansion, we to redesigned, improved and increased the production capacity of our block machines and related equipment. In early 1979, TIGER purchased the license from the BECO Company in Phoenix, Arizona, USA, to manufacture their popular “ABC” Product Handling and Curing System, vastly expanding our product offerings.
We re-engineered and customized the “ABC SYSTEM” to satisfy the demands of our Japanese customers and began selling this new and improved system in the autumn of 1979. Since then, we have sold over 150 of these upgraded “ABC,” plus have sold many splitter series equipped with rotary blade holders that allow for blade changes in as little as five (5) minutes.
In the last decade, we decided to enter into the USA market with the technology and services that had long been satisfying our Japanese customers. As of that date, we have a spare and wear-parts warehouse in Holland, Michigan; capable of delivering these components to customers in the USA and Canada, as well as other areas of the Americas rapidly and efficiently.
We have also recently established an international sales office in Michigan, USA. Through this globally networked office we market our products, machinery and services across the planet and coordinate with customer marketing and sales efforts worldwide.
We continue to research the latest technologies and implement them to improve & develop ingenious and reliable products. Our goal is to satisfy our industry’s needs for today, and the future, by providing first-class products and first-class services to our customers and their end users.
We believe our technologies can help create a better future for humanity by providing safe, economical, durable, efficient, high-quality masonry structures and pavements that will shelter humanity for decades to come.
TIGER has manufacturing facilities in Japan (Takahashi and Okayama cities), & The People’s Republic of China (near the city of Tianjin), plus warehouses for delivery of parts and consumables to their customers, in Asia and the United States of America (Holland, Michigan).

- Design the most innovative, practical, efficient, reasonably priced, durable and easy-to-operate equipment in the world.
- Deliver our equipment to our global customers on time and within budget.
- Provide the most efficient and dynamic solutions to the demanding changes of our industry and meet our customer’s needs to produce new and innovative end products.
- Develop exciting marketing and promotional strategies for the sale of our customers’ products worldwide.
- Support our industry and its ever-growing need for new technologies to provide creative end products to suit the changing applications for concrete products.
- Be the premier supplier of world-class machinery, superior technical service and complete customer’s support.
- Be ready to adapt quickly to new market needs, new opportunities and emerging trends.
- Continue to develop custom tailored training programs targeting safety, productivity, efficiency, maintenance and the quality of the end product.
- Provide leadership and support to our industry through cutting-edge developments in technology, a dedication to research, commitment to personnel training, thorough testing of new equipment and the design of unique end products.
- To be the supplier that every equipment manufacturer wants to emulate and every concrete products producer wants to partner with.

At TIGER superb service is our number one goal. We are proud of our service record in the industry. We achieve this by several means such as:
- Properly planning, designing, testing, the equipment and by executing the installation and start-up of our quality machinery under the most rigorous standards of technical leadership in the industry. We achieve this also by building the machinery with the help of the most skilled and technically qualified people in the industry.
- Doing the best project planning of any supplier in the industry. At TIGER “WE LISTEN” to your needs and wishes. We set the stage for proper planning of your project by discussing all items pertinent to the project with your team. We encourage you and your team to “DISCUSS YOUR PROJECT WITH TIGER”. At our company we understand the Challenges that our customers face every day.
By providing “service” before, during and after the start-up of our equipment to each individual customer and for the industry in general; in a friendly and cooperative environment. - Giving “advisory service” on end product design and end product applications free of charge to our customers.
- Having the capability to trouble-shoot equipment by electronic means, and on-line means, from a distance.
- Having a reliable delivery of wear, and emergency spare parts, assemblies and components for the equipment and its product molds available in all regions of the world within 24 hours. This achieved easily by guaranteeing a “long-term” supply of these components at strategic warehouses placed around the world.
- Supporting our customer’s technical needs with a complete staff of well-trained and experienced technical engineers that are located in strategic locations around the world, ready to attend to the needs of our customers and the industry as a whole.
- 24 hours, 7 day a week technical support and information, including: operating, efficiency and quality end product technical write-ups, maintenance and trouble-shooting manuals, and safety guidelines.
At TIGER, outstanding quality is our top priority. We are very proud of the quality products we manufacture for our industry. Quality at TIGER is what makes our machinery unique, with distinguishing attributes that places it far above other products currently available in the market.
TIGER’S quality assurance programs guarantee machinery of superior design, excellent workmanship, and free of assembly defects. Quality assurance addresses problems before they happen.
For those rare exceptions where a small blemish on some component or part of our machinery occurs, TIGER’S quality control programs guarantee that these concerns are taking care of immediately; creating the best quality machinery in the industry.
Post installation and start-up periodic inspections by TIGER’S technical service personnel; assure TIGER’S continued quality on our equipment, its correct operation, its unique efficiencies, and proper maintenance.
Quality is our most valued responsibility.
Hundreds of superiorly trained, highly qualified and experienced personnel tend to TIGER’S quality assurance and control programs. Our people make all the difference on quality. The TIGER team is dedicated to our company, our customers, and committed to creating the best of the best.